Blended Careers & How That Helped Us Name Our Business.
As web developers, educating clients about what we do comes with the territory and questions are never at a shortage. There is one question that has come up more than any other single question in the history of Fat Eyes Web Development: Client Or Prospective Client: “Where did the name Fat Eyes come from?” Fiedel Fiedel2014-07-29 23:33:172018-10-18 13:47:52Business Names & Branding: What Is The Story?
Actions speak louder than words. It’s true; we can demonstrate our good will, our intentions, our integrity and even our motivations more effectively through our actions rather than just our [loud] words or bravado; promises. If our combined actions and words stemming from awareness are consistent. Fiedel Fiedel2014-07-08 02:21:442018-10-18 13:48:26[video] Communication Skills And Your Brand
It’s not unusual to arrive into the orbit and gravitational pull of social media circumspect and kicking after a long stretch of procrastination. The resistance can be palpable- especially in the case of those feeling coerced onto social for business. Are you on social media due to the pressure?
Here's How You Can Get Started On Google+ And Keep True To Who You Are
As an avid Google Plusser, truthfully, a devoted evangelist, it’s a conspicuous omission that I haven’t offered a simple “How To” guide for the platform on our blog. Enough of our clients and subscribers are curious and asking for guidance that I need to rectify the situation. The beauty of this social media channel is it's all about engaging, building relationships and the pleasure and art of conversation. Fiedel Fiedel2014-06-16 02:09:332018-10-18 13:48:27How To Google Plus …With A Twist
There’s evidence of a shared phenomenon and it’s almost as if we’re all waking up at the same time with the same clock in the same time zone to the importance of learning from each other and how interconnected we are. This is a project I’ve been gearing towards for months.
Flexibility In Content Marketing and Social Media Engagement
I’m a juggler and I’ll bet you are too. We have a lot on our plates as small business owners and solopreneurs. Content marketing and related social media are among the most insistent tasks. The endless string of imperatives doesn’t seem to let up. Except, perhaps, for a brief moment or two here and there.
Some of us are the result of an improvisational recipe of the intuitive brand; fluid works in progress. Use me as an example. I didn’t arrive on this scene Ready-Made: open package, mix, pour into pan and bake. Nope. I'm still perfectly situated on 'bake'. But something is happening. It may be tenuous enough that we need to whisper. Or knock on wood. Cross fingers. No jinxing. Fiedel Fiedel2014-04-14 21:56:272018-10-18 13:48:27Social Media: Who Are You Becoming?
All this talk about the new-(ish) demands of SEO holistic-style and Semantic Search have some of you in a bundle of anxious concerns and doubt. Discomfort prowling about; you’re nervous about doing something wrong and thus damaging your chances at a strong online presence and good rankings. Yet you only stand to gain from following the current recommendations. Fiedel Fiedel2014-04-01 17:48:022018-10-18 13:48:27SEO: Blur the line between life and the web
Connections run deep and wide and this is especially true on the web. Who we are and the actions we take cycle back, re-connect to us in ways beyond what we can easily and humanly perceive. If we do what we do intentionally and consistently it's additive and hopefully effectual. Fiedel Fiedel2014-03-19 00:22:512018-10-18 13:48:27There Is No Them: The SEO of Connections & Relationships
It’s important to be trusted. We know that key to being trusted is authenticity and that if we add a dash of transparency and a touch of vulnerability mixed with engagement, generosity and contribution in due course we will most likely gain trust. What allows us to trust others?