If There’s No Listening There’s No Learning
Getting to know you and your business or organization well enough to represent it for you through the medium of the web and your website will depend on our ability to listen to you.
Gina Fiedel is the co-founder/owner of Fat Eyes Web Development. After a successful career as an artist and transitioning into electronic media in the early 90's, she then founded Fat Eyes in 1998 to bring those skills to the web with her husband, Doug Anderson. Being engaged in business has created gratifying opportunities for communication and new inroads towards making a contribution that counts. You can learn more about Gina on the Fat Eyes Who Are We? page and Gina Fiedel Story.
Getting to know you and your business or organization well enough to represent it for you through the medium of the web and your website will depend on our ability to listen to you.
You can think of your website as a living, breathing entity. You affect it and it affects you. The relationship is organic, goes both ways and anything but static. This is the case in terms of identity, culture, plans, goals, activities, tasks.
Create a thoughtful, well planned, and thoroughly authentic, anchoring presence on the web. Make it the place where your ideas and communication can be pollinated and cultivated, and your marketing efforts will point back to.
Don’t underestimate design and the impact it ultimately has on your business. The look and feel of your website confirm your company voice, culture and your message.
Do you really mean what you’re saying? Take the time to think carefully about your choices and how you build your story, your narrative. Each word counts.
Put your ideal customers first & communicate your identity authentically.
Make sure to accurately describe: Who you are. What you do. Why you do it.
I stop and marvel at the amazing clients we’ve collaborated with over the years. Over time, they have become as much a part of our narrative as we are. There simply isn’t a way to separate them out. Why would we even want to?
It didn’t take long for the dawning “aha” moment to bring it all into crystal clear focus all those years ago. The platform of the web was where we could help most and do our best work.
We’re celebrating our 20 year company anniversary, Fat Eyes was founded in July, 1998! Things that matter deeply are our hallmarks: Ethos, stability, relationships, respect, trust, listening, teamwork. And of course, great work.
Learning to traverse daily hurdles running a small business, the challenges and work is helped by the things we do in everyday life and what we learn in other activities. Unfamiliar concepts, methods, technology require discipline, patience, trust, accepting ordinary risk.
Yes! I want to stay up to date.
Fat Eyes Web Development
2680 Dorking Place
Santa Barbara California 93105
Tel: (805) 687-7537
© Copyright 1998-2025 – Fat Eyes Web Development. All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.