How To Google Plus …With A Twist

Here’s How You Can Get Started On Google+
And Keep True To Who You Are

How to get started in Google Plus

As an avid Google Plusser, truthfully, a devoted evangelist, it’s a conspicuous omission that I haven’t offered a “How-To Get Started” for the platform on our blog beyond how to sign up and some of the bottom line basics. Enough of our clients and subscribers are curious and asking for instruction, that I need to rectify the situation, though. And I’m going to do that right now.

I am going to let the experts, those that have dedicated themselves to researching and learning and who can explain everything there is to know about the platform, give you the best instructions there are. In this article, you’ll find a very select few, cherry-picked resources that I know will set you up with the directions and tips you’ll need to get started. These folks are the cream of the crop and know their stuff.

Google Plus is a deep well and there is a lot you can learn about how it functions and how to best use it.

Getting to know and understand the underpinnings is well worth it. Those of you who haven’t bridged the border can easily cross on into what I believe is the land that has the power to change everything.

Now Let’s Do The Twist

So what is the twist, you might ask. I’m not talking Chubby Checker (although I can twist with the best of them), or a twist of lemon or lime in your beverage (even though it’s something I always gravitate towards) or a simple twist of fate (well, maybe this one makes sense now that I think about it considering the amount of serendipity you’ll find on Google Plus). But nope….

The Twist I’m Talking About Is You. YOU Are The Twist.

You may pack light because you don’t know what you’ll need while you’re there quite yet. Do pack some patience, though. And do bring your authentic self along. You’ll find out even more than you can imagine about what that means to you if you allow yourself to discover your individuality and your unique contribution as you explore.

You might also come along with an idea of what you’re hoping to achieve, your goals. And if that just made you groan because you don’t know what that is yet, spend some time on the platform first and let things sink in for awhile as you ascertain what direction you want or need to go in. Learn what it is you’re looking for.

Listen, Watch & Read

And along with spending time, with some practice and some good old-fashioned listening, you’ll find out how it can serve you best and how you can serve it. Because it’s a two way street. That’s the beauty of this social media channel. It’s all about engaging, building relationships and the pleasure and art of conversation.  Not about broadcasting to the big black hole the way others are.

The place is there, raring to go, ready to roll and rolling whether you’re there or not. But I’m here to tell you that you can make it better than it already is and yourself and your business while you’re at it. We all can. Therein lies the gift.

[Tweet “Creativity Is At The Heart Of Google Plus ~ I Can’t Stress This Strongly Enough”]

Mechanics, etiquette, best practices. These are important. And of course, you’ll want to take some time to learn about those and this is why I’ll send you off in the right direction to do exactly that.

And yet, one of the most exciting aspects of Google Plus is how creative the environment is, that we can each use it in our own unique way. You can even use it to find your own borders and boundaries and maybe break through them. Everyone can take ownership of their approach and this is encouraged.

Inventiveness is applauded. Creative methods admired. Exploration and questioning cheered. Do not leave your creativity at the door. Feel free to play; experiment. Win some, Lose some. Take risks.

Getting the structure and the way things work is going to be necessary. And equally important are the nuances of behavior and finding the approach that fits you.

What’s In The HOW-TO?

How-To Articles: How To Use Them Best” I often find myself gravitating to those fancy words “How-To” because there’s always this promise in them that they are going to solve all my questions and problems. Show me the way. Sometimes they do. There are frequently useful parts in every article and it’s always helpful to get someone else’s take.

But I never actually learn how-to until I find my own way. And you can take all the bits and pieces and all the instructions and the guides and put them in the blender juice them up and make your own recipe. That’s the truth of it. There is no formula but there are plenty of suggestions and as I said in my recent video, Talking Out Loud, Pushing Past Obstacles, it’s great to take influence from others and learn from those who have come before you, but it’s still important to make sure you’re walking in your own shoes.

Google Plus is a space to explore our own approaches to marketing or even if you’re just playing, get to know new people and brands from around the world, network, build relationships, learn, expand our vocabulary; all that deliciously juicy stuff. It’s becoming apparent to me that it’s basically limitless. The encouragement to push your own edges is boundless.

You can think of it as a place to be but also as a tool and like any other tool it’s meant to be used to your own purpose and is pliable within its basic parameters.  Think about a table-saw or how many ways there are to use a chisel. Clay. Plastic. Wood. Language and communication. Technology. A tool.

Okay! HOW-TO Get Yourself Started

There are so many resources, I feel sorry to leave so many of them out, but my purpose here is to give you not too many choices and overwhelm you. I’d rather make it as easy as possible. Once you’re set up, you can continue the search for any details you crave. The Search tool within the platform will help you with that.

But For Now… (in no particular order and remember: these are but a few of the folks who can help)


Getting Started with Martin Shervington:
Google Plus for Business and Individuals, Consultancy, Speaking, Coaching

Getting Started with Stephan Hovnanian:
Author, Google+ Pro Tips series

Getting Started with Peg Fitzpatrick:
Rockin’ a positive attitude, Head of Social Strategy for Canva, passionate about social media, writer, innovative idea girl, marketing maverick, naturally caffeinated, Google+ evangelist, travelista, and so much more.

Peg has so many G+ resources, I’m linking to this Drivedeck created by Michael Bennett.
But I encourage you to check her website also at

Getting Started with Rick Eliason:
Digital Marketing Consultant


Getting Started and Beyond with Mike Allton:
Social Media Manager, blog coaching, social media strategy, Google+ consulting, consulting for all other social media channels, SEO, Internet marketing

Google+ University:

Getting Started and Beyond with Michael Bennett:
Director of Business Development, Sales & All Things Social @ Michlin Metals and photographer extraordinaire & GPlusGeek for teaching Google Plus users
& John Dietrich:
Website Development, SEO, SMO, G+ for Business, Social Media & GPlusGeek for teaching Google Plus users

Make sure to scroll down on this page. It’s a collection of decks related to G+:

Getting Started and Beyond with Jaana Nystrom:
Google+ Professional- Google+ professional coach, blogger, consultant, community manager

Gplus Expertise /Jaana Nystrom:
Google+ Helper Community: /105619967999215909743

Now Go Enjoy and Let Me Know How It Goes

Please always feel free to contact me if you have questions. Even though I’m not an expert in the intricacies, I have been using the platform for a long time and have plenty to offer if you get stuck.

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Image Created by: Gina Fiedel
Google Plus logo from created by Eggsplode Design

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    By: Gina Fiedel

    Gina Fiedel is the co-founder/owner of Fat Eyes Web Development. After a successful career as an artist and transitioning into electronic media in the early 90’s, she then founded Fat Eyes in 1998 to bring those skills to the web with her husband, Doug Anderson. Being engaged in business has created gratifying opportunities for communication and new inroads towards making a contribution that counts. You can learn more about Gina on the Fat Eyes Who Are We? page and Gina Fiedel Story.

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