National Eating Disorders Association
Hope Starts Here
Hope Starts Here
Website Development & Design
Site Architecture
Migration from Drupal to WordPress
2022 to present
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. Their website reaches an average of three hundred and fifty visitors monthly, which clearly demonstrates the content they provide to the public is hugely helpful and influential. They also have a fundraising arm
The organization not only supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders but also provides community for those seeking it, resources and information for physicians, news outlets, and the general public. Because of those services, it catalyzes prevention, cures, and access to quality care.
“The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is a leading eating disorders organization, and works to advance research, community building, and awareness to support the nearly 30 million people who will experience an eating disorder in their lifetimes. We work to realize a world that better understands and supports those who struggle with resources, compassion and hope.
Whether you have been personally affected by an eating disorder or care about someone who has, NEDA’s programs and services are designed to help you find the help and support you need. Recovery is possible and we’re here to support you!”
In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In fact, eating disorders have the second highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders, surpassed only by opioid use disorder.
Eating disorders are widely misunderstood illnesses and support options are often inaccessible. As a result, too many people are left feeling helpless, hopeless, and frightened. Through our programs and services, NEDA raises awareness, builds communities of support and recovery, funds research, and puts vital resources into the hands of those in need.”
During the process, a major effort was made to repurpose the website and its structure to develop what has been aptly named The Grace Holland Cozine Resource Center, an extensive library of information and resources in one place. This was an ambitious undertaking, at the least, and fully successful! We have all been very excited about this stellar achievement.
The NEDA leadership came to us with two main objectives that blossomed into multiple paths within those objectives. They needed day-to-day assistance with the organization’s website during a transition, which we provided. They also needed help determining the best path forward: With their Drupal software nearing a deadline for upgrade, there was an imperative to make an overwhelmingly important choice for the future.
Their choice was whether to stay on the Drupal platform or move the site to a versatile modern environment that would provide the best user experience, increased ease of internal use, state-of-the-art content management, and regular content updating and growth. NEDA’s users were always the absolute top priority for every decision.
With our expertise guiding the process, it was collectively decided to move the site to WordPress with a plan for migration, redevelopment, and redesign. The project was complex and multilayered conceptually, not only in its design approach but technically. It took time.
Resource Center landing page
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