Cultural Resource Fund
Strengthening Tribal Cultures and Historic Sites
Website Development & Design
Ongoing Site Development & Management
2015 to present
Before describing what The Fund is, we’re compelled to acknowledge the seriousness with which we took on this client and how honored we are to work for them. It’s a great privilege to learn about what they do and to participate in their efforts even in a way that may seem somewhat peripheral to their direct actions.
The Cultural Resource Fund, Administered by the MICA Group- a multicultural intermediary for collaborative connects tribal governments and communities, supports Tribal and State cultural and historic preservation projects. “The MICA Group strongly affirms that all peoples contribute to the diversity, richness and sustainability of civilizations, cultures, and humanity.”
The Fund, created by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and seven Class 1 freight rail companies, is responsible for awarding ten million dollars directly to Tribal Nations and State Historic Preservation Officers.
Cultural and historic preservation projects may include, but are not limited to:
Fat Eyes was engaged to create the Fund’s first website in the early days of the formation of the entity and have continued working with them as new events and organizational evolution occurs. We advised in the choice that was made to create a separate domain rather than a micro site under the umbrella of its parent organization, The Mica Group. There are complicated hierarchies and organizational, legal and government structures in place that must be recognized, considered and carefully complied with.
The site is an informational home for applicants to the fund and is also now home to the growing number of stories about how grants are being used by various tribes across the US. We are tasked with ongoing updates to the site to keep pace with the growing fund recipient stories and other developments.
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Santa Barbara California 93105
Tel: (805) 687-7537
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