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Your site has to work flawlessly. It needs to be efficient in its planning and execution.
The design must be compelling and inspire trust. It must convince your visitor of your dependability. And that you have what they need. To do that it also must be well organized.
The optimal end-product is reached when all those parts are inseparably woven together providing a solid functional, seamless and logical experience for your visitors.
It’s our job to make sure that all aspects of your website – structure, navigation, functionality and design are carefully considered in relation to each other. This is what will keep visitors on your site once they’ve landed.
We create custom and customized pre-programmed WordPress websites not only to give you the ability to update your own site. You’re going to love that, but the benefits go way beyond managing your content.
~ When we make your WordPress site, we get to offer you tremendous options for powerful functionality by employing plugins and widgets without the costly investment of custom back-end programming.
~ WordPress sites are structured for easy Google search-ability and lend themselves to search engine optimization so your site will be discoverable.
~ And they come with a blog installed so you will have the built-in venue you’ll need for content development.
“I was extremely pleased from day one with Fat Eyes. Our project was a massive undertaking and they were on top of everything every step of the way. …It was a herculean project because of the amount of pages our old site had (1400) culled down to about 400. They are amazingly thorough, completely organized and detail oriented, very creative and talented. They are responsive and very respectful of deadlines and budgets. …every communication strategy is well thought out, discussed and reviewed and nothing gets done unless we, as the client are completely satisfied. I have the utmost respect for what they do. They are total professionals and really two of the kindest people I have ever worked with.”
Fat Eyes Web Development
2680 Dorking Place
Santa Barbara California 93105
Tel: (805) 687-7537
© Copyright 1998-2025 – Fat Eyes Web Development. All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed.